Sunday 20 November 2011


The year is coming to an end, which means Christmas is almost here. That means presents have to be made!  :-D In trying to draft my creations I have thrown out the paper and fully embraced Google Sketch Up. Yes, another lovely google product that has once again entangled me into their lair of goodies.  However, I can't TELL you what I am making, you will just have to wait till AFTER Christmas :-D But tomorrow is shopping day to buy two of my favorite hardwoods.  I can't wait to smell the fragrance of dried wood, sawdust, wood glue, and mmmmmm yes. happiness.

In other news, Anna and I finally put up our puzzle that we spent WEEKS putting together.  Also, Anna is knitting gauntlets.  Pretty neat. :-)

Saturday 29 October 2011

Lens Adventures Upgraded

Over the last few weeks I have been busy getting a "hobby photographer" business(not really business, just a past time) up and running.  I have done two shoots so far, and hope for more! :-D  I never knew how much fun it could be to take pictures of people.  Landscapes, architecture, and animals yes, but people?  Well, it is a new enjoyment of mine, and I am willing to shoot anything.  Cost?  Just cover my gas and the CD/DVD!  :-)  Anna is getting in on it with me too!  Infants, and things she is comfortable with :-)  So, enjoy Ray:


Monday 26 September 2011

A Day at the Market

A number of weeks ago, Anna and I visited my family in Michigan.  During that time, we took my Grandparents to the market.  Raspberries, tomatoes, corn, peanuts, and squirrels. :-) good times. 

Friday 23 September 2011

No longer a Troll.

As of today, I am no longer a troll.  For those who don't know what a troll is, a troll is someone that lives under a bridge.  All the people that live under the Mackinaw Bridge in MI are trolls.  Today, I left my trollish lifestyle and became a... well, not sure what yet, But my drivers license says "illinois" on it. :)  But what I do know, today was also the first time I tried Landscape Photography.... Many epic fails and only one decent shot.  Enjoy :-)

Saturday 17 September 2011


About 6 weeks ago Anna and I were married.  Right after that we left for the Oregon Coast.  Rockaway Beach to be precise.  As I was planning the honeymoon, a number of people told me that the weather will be rainy and dreary that time of year.  Well, being the optimist that I am, I decided that dancing in the rain on the beach of an ocean is much better than sitting in a pool in the middle of who-knows-where.  However, during the 5 days that we were there, only the day we came home was dreary.  Only one disappointment in the whole trip: there was only one sunset, and it was LOUSY.  yup.  Just lousy.  MUCH better sunsets on the Lake Michigan coastline.  ah, but oh well.  It was a splendid time making memories together.

 This is how we spent our lovely first days being married:

~ Eating
~ Walking
~ Window Shopping
~ Candy Shopping
~ Lot more walking
~ Swimming in the Ocean (brrrr cold)
~ Visited a Chinese Tea Garden
~ Admired Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach
~ Lot more walking on beaches
~ Took lots of photos
~ Drank lots of Coffee and Tea  :-D
~ Toured the Tilamook Cheese Factory
~ Enjoyed being with each other relaxing on the coast while experience beautiful weather!

Saturday 10 September 2011

A New Phase


The curse of written communication.  I failed English Comp during my first semester in college because of it, and now I fail at writing my thoughts due to my disdain for editing.  Yet there is one type of editing that I enjoy, but is just as tedious.  Editing pictures.

So, here starts the new phase of this blog:  "Reflections Through a Lens"

Do not expect there to be daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly updates on this blog.  Just expect me to randomly put images up if I feel like it or if I get time to edit the photos that I(or Anna) do get to take. 

For starters, why not just enjoy the days surrounding Anna's and my wedding?

Destination. Determination. Deliberation.
Samuel shooting my mirror as we are traveling to MI for the wedding... 
and as is usual, stuck in construction.

At the rehearsal dinner, Pietro's in Grand Rapids served us an amazing selection of pizzas!

After eating so much pizza, the Icecream-parlor Bachelor Party was an unwelcome idea.  The backup plan, and the better plan was a success.  Bonfire and worship.

The day following our wedding, Anna's "little" brother was baptized.  After getting wet, wedding presents were opened, final honeymoon packing was done, and Anna and I were off for our honeymoon on the oregon coast.

Stay tuned for the Honeymoon photos!