Wednesday 22 February 2012

Our Future Home

Since I have been married I have been in search for homes.  Only in the last 3 months has it become serious home searching.  The Lord has brought us people into our lives that have helped us so much.  The two biggest blessings have been fellow Christians.  A dear gentleman who is a very skilled and retired carpenter, and a wonderfully patient lady who has been a very helpful realtor.  Through their expertise, their many prayers, and our many prayers, we have found a home, and are currently in the closing process.  But there are two things that may make this all fall through.

1) the mortgage is only applicable to a house that is "move in worthy".  So, if the appraisal says that the house is uninhabitable, then we loose the mortgage and thus the home. (which is unlikely, but still possible)

2) we have 45 days to complete the loan processes.  The bank thinks it is really tight, but probable assuming all paper work goes smooth.

So, two prayer requests, that the appraisal deems the house livable, and that the bank will be able to finish all the necessary paper work.

Enjoy the pics below!  :-)

The Front
Most of the back yard

The garage

Sunday 12 February 2012

Sick Days

Last week we skipped church because I was sick.  Today, Anna stayed home because she was sick.  Both of us have been a bit under the weather for too long.  However, I realize that when I am sick I am much more thankful for the days that the Lord gives us good health.
Yet, having a sick wife gave me another picture idea!

Anna reading “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" by Charles Dickens, on her new V-day gift. :-)